Pravin on Software

AWS API Gateway — Ways to handle Request Timeout

AWS cloud services are improving with time, and I am enjoying using their services. We all know that using 3rd part services in our application adds additional constraints to our services. Compared...

Understanding Legacy System Migration using Strangler Fig Pattern

Strangler Fig Pattern appears to be straight forward strategy for migration of Legacy System to Modern Application. But in reality, it is not that easy process, and there are many variations of the...

Things I learned from analysis for migration activity

I have been performing some analysis for nodejs application migration for the past few months. This activity has helped me identify problems and challenges that we usually face due to the poor desi...

External Traffic handling in AWS Kubernetes Services

I have been wondering, How AWS handles the traffic from external services to services/pods running inside the Kubernetes cluster? 🤨   In this article, we discuss what happens behind the scene in AW...

Understanding Class Loading in Java Virtual Machine

I had a use case where I wanted to update the implementation of the algorithm based on the trigger without restarting the app. This app is written using java(spring) and it exposes API to be consum...

Understanding Java VM for Memory Management

I had created a demo application in my free time which uses pub/sub for sharing messages between 2 java microservice application using Kafka as middleware. Later on, I starter experimenting on effe...